Orchestral Debut (2022)
On February 17 and 20, 2022, the Palm Court Light Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Charles Job, performed my song Message to Home. This was the first time that any orchestra had ever performed any of my compositions. The performance was originally scheduled for April 2020; but COVID-19 stalled the project just after a pre-rehearsal run-through.
With my proud (and blind) Mom and me in the audience, Charles pointed out that I was the only living composer of any of the pieces that the orchestra performed on those two days. I arranged the song for the 26-piece light-classical orchestra more than 30 years after my rock band The Fault performed it in Vancouver.
With this orchestral performance being instrumental only, I’m anxious to have more of my songs performed by orchestra and other ensembles and with singers, as well. I’m working on it.